Brothers and sisters
May the Lord give you Peace!
The center of the message of today’s liturgy are two important words. Which are more than words. I would call them “keys” to truly understand the Word of God and to put it into practice. These two words are: “Humility” and “Peace”. We prayed in the psalm, asking the Lord to keep us in peace. Really we need the gift of peace! The Hebrew word for peace is “shalom”. It is the root of the verb: “to pay” (LeShalem). It is also the same root as the Word: integrity. To be whole (united). Yes, peace is also a political situation, but true peace is within every man and every woman.
If you are at peace, you will not go to war. We heard the prophet Malachi in the first reading reporting God’s anger at seeing men not behaving like brothers and not seeking peace. We heard Saint Paul in his letter say that he loves and feels at peace with the people who have welcomed the Word of God; finally we heard the harsh words of Jesus in the Gospel, against the Pharisees who are not at peace with the other brothers, because he believes he is greater and master
Yes brothers and sisters, the word of God on this Sunday looks into our souls. And it brings us back to the Truth. The truth of who we are. And it takes humility. Humility to recognize who we really are. For example: you are praying for peace in the Holy Land. You are praying for peace between Israel and Palestine, between Russia and Ukraine and then you are at war with your neighbor over a piece of wall. I have known brothers and sisters who do not talk to each other for years due to inheritance. People who come to church every Sunday and are at war with another group. One group against another group. Yes, inside the Church.
Years ago, I participated in a “mission” in Italy. What does a mission mean: friars, priests, sisters, people of the Church go to a parish and visit all the families, schools, hospitals. There was a lady in that parish who went to Mass every day. And we said: Mrs. Antoinette, we want to visit your house. This Lady answered us: Father, I not no need. I already come to church every day. And I pray a lot. Yes, father, I pray and God always listens to me. Listen father: I have a neighbor she is bad, very bad. But I prayed and her husband had a heart attack.
Yes, there are Christians without Christ. The danger also for us priests. The worst thing in this world, when the priests don’t take care of the people. When they don’t have time for the people, they don’t listen to the people. And I insist: Priests, men and women religious, people of God, we must be peacemakers. I ask you for goodness’ sake: don’t ask the priests, the bishop to take part in arguments within groups. In the Church there must be no “parties”. In the Church there is only “the Body of Christ”, yes we are the Body of Christ. You husband, your wife is the body of Christ for you. You wife, your husband is the body of Christ for you. Your family is the body of Christ for you. The community is the body of Christ for us. And I ask: how do we treat the body of Christ? Here is the danger of becoming hypocrites.
Being Christian means this: not so much respecting formulas or precepts, but giving Christ to others. Be Christ bread, bread of Christ for all brothers and sisters. With prayer, the true one, that comes from the heart and from the Truth. With suffering and works. Yes, suffering has a supernatural value. By being peacemakers in our families, in our work, among our friends and neighbors, in our community. This is the teaching of Jesus and this is how anyone who wants to be Christian must live.