Brothers and sisters
May the Lord give you peace!
In today’s liturgy, the first day of the year, the Church invites us to celebrate the solemnity of Mary Most Holy Mother of God (Theodokos). And as I often like to remember: for us Christians, celebrating is not just remembering, but having “presence”. And in remembering Him the “Lord Jesus”, He makes himself present. And he was present in a family, with a mother, the Most Holy Virgin. Jesus is born and welcomed into a family made up of a man and a woman, a father and a mother who love each other. And it is called the “holy family”. And why is it holy family? Because Jesus is at the center! There is the desire to do God’s will and to orient one’s whole life towards Him. Brothers and sisters… every family that puts Jesus at the center becomes sanctified, because He is holy. A God so concrete that he comes among us, a God whose name, Jesus (God saves), reveals his identity and his mission.
Mary in her divine motherhood guides us, teaches us to make space for Christ. She teaches us in the Holy Family of Nazareth to put Jesus at the center. And why is it holy family? Because Jesus is at the center! There is the desire to do God’s will and to orient one’s whole life towards Him. Brothers and sisters… every family that puts Jesus at the center becomes sanctified, because He is holy.
Brothers and sisters, celebrating the Mother of God means remembering the birth of Jesus. She is the Mother of God because the Word became flesh. The birth of Jesus who was born for us. But He wants to be born every year in homes, in our lives. And Christmas, this time of the Christmas holidays is time to be with family. In Italy and I think also here in Cyprus, stories are told, and I would like to share this story with him.
In a small village in Italy there was a little boy. He studied in a school. But he didn’t have that much intellectual capacity. He had some difficulty understanding and everyone considered him stupid and stupid. With this difficulty he managed to get promoted in the school. And all the children went ahead and he remained behind. In the end he, already grown up, found himself with the children who were younger than him.
Christmas is coming, and the teachers have organized the Christmas theater. And they started choosing the actors. Who will be Saint Joseph? The smartest child. Who will be Maria? The smartest little girl. Who will be the shepherds? Who will be the kings? And the most beautiful and intelligent children were chosen. In the end they had to choose who was to chase away the Holy Family…. And who did they choose? Everyone said the child was stupid. And they did a lot of tests… and in the end he learned the phrase: We have no room for you… go away….
When the Holy family was leaving… he said: go back. There is no room for you here, but there is room for you in my house. Yes, use my room. Baby Jesus can play with my toys. Please do not go away….
Yes, brothers and sisters, there is no place for Jesus in the media, there is no place for Jesus in our parties, in our politics. But celebrating Christmas is saying to Jesus: yes Jesus there is room for you in my life, in my heart…. He has room for you in our choices. And Mary Most Holy is our Mother, and she teaches us to make room, and welcome the child God who comes… And she, the Virgin Mary, is the queen of peace. Let’s conclude the gift of peace for this year 2024… happy new year for everyone!