Paphos Parish 

Paphos Parish 

Paphos is a coastal city in the southwest of Cyprus and the capital of Paphos District. The people of Cyprus are broadly divided into two main ethnic communities: Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, sharing many cultural traits but maintain distinct identities based on ethnicity, religion, language, and close ties with their respective motherlands. Before the start of the 1964 dispute, the people of Cyprus (then 77% Greek Cypriots, 18% Turkish Cypriots, and 5% other nationalities, including Armenians and Maronites) were dispersed over the entire island.

Infrastructures of the Latin Patriarchate

The parish covers the Paphos region on the west coast of Cyprus including the towns of Paphos, Polis, and Pissouri, where regular Masses are celebrated. The Parish is a lively Catholic community of people from all walks of life and many countries. The parish office and the Hospice Shop – which also serves as a coffee shop – are close to the church, making a focal point for meeting tourists, parishioners, and local people. The Sisters of St Bruno and Bethlehem have a small convent at Mesa Chorio. At the same location, there is a cemetery with the chapel of Saint Cosmos and Saint Damian.

Contact information:

2B, Agias Galatianis
P.O. B 61120 
8040 Kato-Paphos
Tel: +357 26 931 308

Mass schedule:

Saturday & Sunday:
4:00 pm in English – Latin Parish Hall
4:00 pm in English – Ayia Kiriaky
6:00 pm in English – St. Dimitri’s Polis

Agia Kyriaky Church 
(St. Paul’s Pillar)
Contact information:

2B, Agias Galatianis
P. O. Box 61120
8040 Kato Paphos
Tel. 26 953459

Mass schedule @Agia Kyriaki:


10:00 am in Latin
11:00 am in Polish 
12:00 pm in English 
(Last Sunday of the month: Philipino Mass at 12:00 pm)
1:15 pm every 3rd Sunday Sri Lanka Mass


Mon:  9:00 am Mass in English 
Tue: 9:00 am Mass in English 
Wed: 12:00 noon Mass in English 
Thu: 9:00 am Mass in English 
Fri: 9:00 am Mass in English 

Eucharistic Adoration

Wed: 11 am – 11:50 am
Thu: 6 pm – 7 pm