Msgr. Bruno’s Message to the Faithful on the Occasion of the Jubilee Year

December 27, 2024

Prot. 0126/24

To all Latin Priests present in the Vicariate of Cyprus Men and women Religious

Lay faithful

Dear Brothers and sisters,

May the Good Lord give you Hope!

We are in a period of time where people, events and situations may cause us to despair, desperate for hope, creating anxiety and uncertainty in our day to day living. We have lots or‘ dreams to realize in our life and in that of others, yet we remain uncertain about the way to accomplish them, to see them realized.

Holy Father Pope Francis through a bull of indiction invltes the faithful in the world to a Year of .Jubilee” which marks the 2025 years after the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. The papal bull of indiction of the jubilee year dedicates this forthcoming year to “Pilgrims of Hope”. To commemorate the jubilee year meaningfully, a personal reflection and a common action need to intertwine. Especially during this period that our Church of Jerusalem is experiencing a moment of extreme dit’ficulty, and our Patriarch His Beatitude Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa calls us as a local Church not to lose hope and to be active in charity.

Therefore, the Latin Catholic Church of Cyprus will coordinate certain activities and events that touch every walk of the Cyprus faithful. These will be conducted both on the Vicariate level and the Parish level calling your attention and active participation in events.

Declaration of tbe Jubilee Year 2025 and opening of the Jubilee

December 29, 2024 Sunday of the feast of Holy Family is the day of solemn declaration for our local Churches in Cyprus of the Jubilee year. Beginning with a con-celebrated Mass at the Maronite Cathedral at 08:00 am in Nicosia, then later at Our Lady of Graces Church, Larnaka with the participation of all the Priests. Religious, young people and all faithful. I would like to invite you all to be present on that occasion of grace and of blessings.

01: 30 pm: Eucharistic Adoration as a preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025

“Call to Conversion” led by Rev. Fr. Peter Ashton, ofm. (The preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation)

All the Priests of the island will be available for the sacrament of reconciliation on that day.

02: 50 pm: Introduction to Jubilee Year 2025 by Rev. Fr. Ismael Quequesana, dvi.

03: 50 pm: Blessing by the Most Holy Sacrament and the end of Adoration by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Andrew Arhin, ofm.

04: 00 pm: The break

04:30 pm: The 1-Ioly Eucharist for opening the Jubilee Year and opening of the Jubilee Door presided by H. E. Bruno Varriano, ofm.

The day’s liturgical assignments are divided with all the Parishes to collaborate the event and share the joy with everyone. The participatory liturgy is most welcoming to all the faithful, and the Jubilee year encourages the same, welcoming all the faithful. Therefore, the liturgical assignments will be notified to the Parish Priests at our earliest and that they may prepare the faithful for the event to take place. Therefore, make an opportunity during the Jubilee year to create peace within yourself and to give a good sense of “hope” for others.

May the Holy Family of Nazareth be our example of life to face challenges when we lose hope and to create a spark of hope for all walks of life, that creates trust and faith!

In the spirit of Hope